How To Build A List For Your Addressable Geofencing Campaign

May 13, 2024 - 5 minutes read

Addressable geofencing is a powerful tactic for any business to add to its marketing plan. Competition in digital advertising can be fierce, which makes it more important than ever to leverage marketing strategies like addressable geofencing to reach and engage your audience and maximize your ROI.

When you establish virtual boundaries to specific, real-world locations, you can engage in hyper-local marketing to drive traffic, increase your business??? brand awareness, and boost sales.

Whether you???re a restaurant trying to target diners in your neighborhood or you???re a retail store trying to drive foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar store, addressable geofencing can be layered into your marketing strategy for added precision.

In fact, we know that 84% of small-to-medium-sized businesses saw an increase in their foot traffic due to location-based marketing. When running addressable geofencing campaigns using first-party data or a CRM list to target, Federated Digital Solutions has a stellar average 90% match rate ??? that???s powerful!

While addressable geofencing has powerful capabilities, it???s crucial to have a list of recipients to target in the first place. We have some simple methods for you to build lists for your addressable geofencing campaigns so your messages reach the most relevant and receptive audiences.


Collecting first-party data is a simple process that every business can and should be implementing. But once you???ve collected this valuable data about your customers, you need to start using it, and addressable geofencing campaigns are the perfect place!

First-party data does more than tell you the name, address, and email for your customers. Analyze your first-party data to segment your audiences based on preferences, purchase behaviors, and beyond. This data gives you a detailed picture of your consumers, maximizing the effectiveness of your addressable geofencing campaigns by delivering personalized experiences.

Give your audience an opportunity to opt-in to your campaigns too. Offer deals, discounts, or promotions in exchange for them offering additional first-party data about themselves to help you better target them in future campaigns. Not only are you gaining valuable data, you also know you???re building a list of engaged users!


What better place to put together an addressable geofencing campaign than from your CRM?

Your CRM should have a trove of detailed information about your customers, which will help to build detailed lists for targeting. Begin by segmenting your audiences based off of their interests, behaviors, and purchase history to help you create personalized campaigns.

Be thorough when creating lists using your CRM and think about different ways in which you can market the same opportunity to different customer segments. Here are a few examples of ways to leverage your CRM.

  • Create an audience segment of customers who make frequent purchases and engage with your brand often.
  • Identify inactive customers or those who have lapsed in your system. Re-engage them with targeted messages or special promotions to reignite interest in your products.
  • Analyze the data in your CRM and look for ways to upsell or cross-sell products based the on the preferences of your customers.


If you don???t have a list that meets the requirements of the addressable geofencing campaign you???d like to run, curated lists are available.

At Federated Digital Solutions, we partner with, which gives our clients access to their powerful curated lists created using a wealth of public data. There are more than 1,000 variables available for a business to choose from when creating curated lists for addressable geofencing. Variables can include things such as:

  • Age
  • Generations in a Household
  • Pet Ownership
  • Makes Purchases with Credit Cards
  • Invests in Stocks
  • Active Auto Loan
  • Lives on a Farm
  • Interested in Boating
  • Enjoys Cooking
  • Watches Football

All three types of lists we???ve mentioned today can be used on their own or combined to build targeted lists. In fact, combining first-party data, CRM lists, and curated lists allows a business to create a comprehensive and highly targeted audience segments. Contact us today to layer in an addressable geofencing campaign to your marketing strategy!

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