Unleashing The Power Of Digital Branding Solutions For Service Industries

December 27, 2023 - 7 minutes read

We live in a fast-paced world that???s increasingly driven by how we interact with electronics and the internet. As consumer behavior evolves, the strategies needed to meet them along the consumer journey also need to change. For businesses that operate in the service industry, establishing their brand digitally isn???t just a luxury, it???s a requirement.

Branding solutions like geofencing, Over-The-Top/Connected TV, display ad targeting, and content marketing are great ways to stay top-of-mind throughout the customer journey. Digital branding tools help empower service industries to capture the attention of their target audience and create meaningful, lasting connections.


Display ad targeting offers a way for businesses to target specific audiences with tailored messages as they research the products and services they need. Tailoring ad content to a target audience enhances its relevance and ensures it resonates with potential customers. Display ads can be directed to the most relevant audience, which helps to maximize the impact of a business’s marketing campaigns.

Imagine you own an HVAC business and want to increase the number of residential customers you service. With display ad targeting you can run a campaign aimed at homeowners during periods of extreme hot or cold temperatures. The ads could showcase the benefits of energy-efficient HVAC systems and the improved home comfort of upgrading to a new system, while also sharing your unique brand promise.

Effective use of display ads enhances a business???s visibility online, leads to brand recognition among potential customers, and can even generate leads.


Geofencing is a location-based strategy that uses GPS to define boundaries with a virtual fence ??? ads are then targeted to consumers who visit a physical location within a geographic area. It???s an innovative way for companies to engage potential customers triggered by their real-world location.

Let???s say you own a car dealership. By setting up a geofence around your dealerships and local body shops, you can target potential customers who may looking for a new car. They could then be delivered ads about your ongoing promotions or even exclusive deals.

Better yet, you could target a competitor???s dealership! When someone enters your competitors’ location, they could begin receiving ads that highlight the unique features of the cars you sell or special promotions that may entice them to your dealership. You can then set up a conversion zone geofence around your dealership to see how many consumers were delivered your ad and then visited your location.

Geofencing flexes its muscle for branding by being timely and contextual for the consumer ??? they are receiving messages directly related to where they are and what they???re doing. That immediacy helps capture their attention and keeps your brand top-of-mind when it comes to the decision-making process.


OTT is a type of targeted video advertising that is streamed over the internet and bypasses traditional cable or satellite subscriptions ??? these are the ads that you see when watching Hulu, Peacock, Pluto TV or similar apps. CTV is simply OTT advertising delivered on large-screen devices like smart TVs. Together, OTT and CTV represent an innovative new way for companies to engage with and target consumers.

OTT/CTV allows a business to target messages to specific audiences, with ads that follow them across their devices. Because they???re video content, it allows a company to deliver an engaging message visually to a targeted audience.  Even better, these ads are unskippable. 

For example, a healthcare organization could use OTT/CTV to engage with a specific audience with targeted, educational video content. The organization’s ads could focus on enhancing community health initiatives while also promoting its services. Campaigns could focus on preventative screenings, healthy lifestyle choices, or wellness programs.

By embracing the digital storytelling capabilities of OTT/CTV, the healthcare provider can build awareness among a targeted, engaged audience and keep the provider top-of-mind when its audience needs healthcare services.


Content marketing plays a pivotal role in providing businesses with a way to build trust with a target audience. Through the use of blog and social media posts, content marketing solutions focused on education and engagement can significantly contribute to building and enhancing brand awareness.

Let???s use a financial institution as an example. A credit union or bank can maintain a blog ??? publishing consistently (at least once per month) ??? that educates its audience about different financial topics. These topics can focus on anything including personal finance, providing tips on saving money, or explaining complex financial topics (like how to apply for a mortgage). By providing relevant, educational information, the financial institution positions itself as an expert and a trusted source.

If the same financial institution is effectively using social media as a branding tool, it can leverage the platform to connect with its audience. By starting conversations around relatable financial topics, posting interactive content (like live videos and this-or-that quizzes), and posting consistently, the institution builds a sense of community around the brand and empowers its audience to make informed financial decisions.

Are you ready to start taking advantage of branding solutions to grow your business and stay top-of-mind during your customers??? consumer journey? Contact us today to find out how Federated Digital Solutions can help build your brand!



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