Build Your Customer Following & Increase Sales Using First-Party Data

September 28, 2022 - 4 minutes read

Businesses rely on data for many things with some types of data having a bigger impact than others. First-party data is especially useful for small businesses. Partly because companies themselves collect it, and because Google’s changes to third-party cookies, set to take effect in 2024, will make third-party data more difficult to acquire.  

Developing a first-party data plan earlier helps your business navigate changes and stay competitive in your field.  

First-Party Data Provides Customer Insight 

First-party data is information your company collects about customers. You organize and analyze to gain valuable insight into customer interests and demographics. You can use that insight to market your products and services better, helping to grow sales or grow email marketing lists by giving customers value. It gives you the insight necessary to help them best with knowledge of their daily habits and pain points, which establishes your trustworthiness and credibility. 

When collecting first-party data, you need to do so while respecting your customers??? privacy. It???s crucial to strike a balance between asking for crucial information, but not asking for so much that people ignore your requests. However, as you gain data about customers, you can inquire with them further, in increments, to learn about their preferences as you establish a relationship. 

Tailor Services to Stay Relevant 

Learning additional insight about your customers helps you tailor your services to them, which can keep your company more relevant as you adjust to new pain points or trends. It will help you learn which platforms to market your materials on and develop new products or services to fulfill further niches.  

Your data can tell you about which tiers of service your customers prefer, which could inspire you to add a higher, premium tier, or make your company more accessible with a smaller, budget tier. Matching your services to their preferences helps you capitalize on what they will most likely buy. As they purchase from you, you can scale up your offerings or upsell based on the needs they express to you at a later point. 

Staying relevant is also more cost-effective to you, as it ensures you spend your marketing dollars where they will be received best. First-party data helps you shape your communication with customers to reach them at crucial moments, guiding them through the customer journey to purchase and maintaining contact to become loyal to your business. 

First-Party Data Can Take Your Business to the Next Level 

First-party data is still a relatively new tool, though its potential is unlimited. However, it is an investment and may take extra time and effort to integrate first-party data collection into your business model. The effort is worth it, as it gives you a path to provide your customers with better products and services.  

To learn more about first-party data, check out the full article released on our sister side, Federated Media. 


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