Facebook Marketing Tips in 2022

June 30, 2022 - 7 minutes read

Facebook is a marketing goldmine. There are approximately 3 billion Facebook users and over 3 million businesses. It is the favored social media app for the 35-44 demographic and is used by 70% of adults in the U.S. That means you have ample opportunities to reach your customers.??? 

Social marketers understand the power of Facebook.???92% place their ads on the platform as part of their marketing campaigns. In this post, you’ll learn why. We’ll also give you some of the most current strategies for getting the most from your ad spend on Facebook in 2022.??? 

Benefits of Facebook Ads???  

Many people make checking Facebook the first and last thing they do each day. Each time they log in, you have a chance to reach your targeted customer. It is a social app, so you increase the chances that when the user sees your ad, they’ll discuss it with their friends, extending your reach and expanding your brand awareness. That is part of the power of Facebook: it helps businesses grow through social sharing.??? 

Facebook ads do much of the work for you. You have the opportunity to reach customers on both desktop and mobile, allowing you to stay connected with multiple audiences. Facebook ads have extensive tracking and reporting, so you can understand how your customers interact with your ads and brand online. That way, you can see what???s working and what isn???t to adjust your material accordingly. Where the older users will typically access Facebook on their desktops or laptops, younger users are more likely to use the mobile app. Ensuring your ads are optimized for mobile is critical, as 98.5% of users access Facebook through a mobile phone, and almost 82% use the mobile app exclusively.  

Sharing content is a massive part of the Facebook experience, so posting frequently is critical to leverage and nurture that behavior. Social marketing managers leverage that habit by posting compelling, funny, or impactful content. Videos are particularly effective and can also be readily shared. You can quickly generate leads with email sign-ups, as well.??? 

Facebook ads also allow a high degree of customization, allowing businesses to tailor their ads to their audience specifically. It also offers many different types of ads, helping you shape interesting and appealing ads through video ad, carousel, or static ads, as well as inserting multiple calls-to-action per campaign. Furthermore, Facebook???s ad options can match any budget level, so you can set campaigns to what you???re willing to spend and increase from there. 

Organic Posts vs. Facebook Ads 

There is a distinct difference between organic posts and targeted campaigns, or specifically, Facebook ads. You want to take full advantage of both for optimal results. Each option serves to further your goals in different ways. Let’s look at when to use organic posts and targeted Facebook ads. 

Grow Followers with Organic Posts??? 

Organic posts are those you put on your business’s social media feed that is not purchased, including interaction with your customers. These posts on your business’s Facebook page are a great way to develop and deepen customer relationships. As people like and share your posts, you’ll get noticed more. If this sounds like a lot of work, a digital partner can provide this service for you.??? 

Use Targeted Ads to Reach Your Clientele??? 

Targeted ads are paid content specifically designed to reach those customers most likely to be interested in your products and services. Paid ads are an excellent technique for low-cost acquisition and increased conversion. The cost-efficiency is due to the improved quality of leads visiting your website as a result of reaching and influencing the right audience. Using retargeting, you can increase your conversion rate by up to 43%,??? 

Targeted Facebook ads reach your desired demographic within the large userbase on Facebook/Meta. You use approximately $1,000 of your ad budget to conduct a native campaign targeting your demographic. You must invest the research into learning about your audience’s interests, life situations, and spending power to get the most from a targeted ad. This data will give you insight into the pain points they face so you can design effective, relevant, and impactful content that your target audience will respond to, presenting your business as the ideal solution.??? 

Increase Your Marketing ROI in 2022 With Facebook 

Facebook is still a highly relevant social media platform for marketing in 2022. With most U.S. adults still using it, you have a direct path to your ideal customer. That’s why over 90% of marketers use it. It is not only still widely used by marketers and consumers, but it is still the top-rated social platform for millennials. Using Facebook as part of your social marketing campaign is a wise investment.??? 

It requires different skills, techniques, and strategies than a traditional marketing campaign. While both take a deep understanding of your target customers’ interests, habits, and pain points to create an impactful message that resonates with your potential customer, social marketing requires knowing how and when to use organic content and paid ads for the best result. It requires creating organic posts that will be shared and liked by the highest possible number of people on Facebook and other apps in the Meta universe and which types of paid ads will result in the most conversions.???Work with a media partner to create your most effective Facebook ad strategy.??? 


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