Home Services Options You Can Keep Post COVID

November 30, 2021 - 6 minutes read

Despite the devastation the pandemic had on many businesses, home services have remained incredibly robust.??? Many people invested in these services during quarantine and the subsequent months because they spent more time at home.??? Even though travel is opening back up, people are still spending more time in their homes than before the pandemic as many offices have extended remote work policies.

There is still time to capitalize on the popularity of these home services. Digital marketing allows small business owners to position themselves as trusted advisors, facilitating sustained momentum and overcoming increased competition. Over time, though the immediate demand may dip, the boost to your business can continue.

How Home Services Adapted to the Pandemic

As many non-essential businesses closed during the pandemic, customers and retailers had to pivot virtually overnight to a digital-only marketplace. During this time, competition became fierce as home services demand skyrocketed.???Contractors and specialists in every area, from remodeling to home security to home entertainment and more, companies benefited from the forced time at home. Call volume, PPC keyword costs, and staffing needs surged to accommodate the higher demand.

Companies have had to respond by investing in more robust marketing efforts to create a seamless, omnichannel experience to guide customers through the sales funnel. Social media, blog posts, emails, and search engines play a significant role in inspiring shoppers during the discovery and evaluation phase. Purchases made directly through social media during the action phase are a growing trend, with online booking and mobile wallets expediting checkout.

How Customers Find Service Companies

Most of us find service companies through online research, word of mouth, or outside ads like company vehicles or billboards. A search engine is the number one way most potential customers find the service provider they seek. That’s why businesses must ensure their online ads show up when the customer is ready to hire. Placing these strategically throughout the buyer’s journey creates awareness during the research phase and keeps your brand top of mind throughout consideration and conversion.

Industries That Continue to Thrive

Home service businesses are those that focus on providing home improvement or renovation services. They can include landscaping, lawn care, plumbing, HVAC, paving, concrete, painting, flooring, roofing, home inspection, moving, storage services, and many more. Capabilities like digital portfolios, virtual assistants, and online booking make it easy for customers to find the right service provider for their home improvement needs. During the pandemic, call volume for home services increased by 60%.

October 2020 saw construction employment adding 84,000 jobs. Though the home services industry comprises various businesses, some have stood out over others in recent months.

  • Concrete installation??? – Without the ability to travel or even get out and socialize, homeowners looked to expand their homes, patios, and outdoor entertainment areas with concrete.??? The outlook for the concrete industry is looking up, expected to surpass pre-pandemic numbers. The global forecast projects growth to $458.64 billion in 2028 from $326.80 billion in 2021. 
  • Landscaping???and design??? – To soften those new concrete edges, the demand for landscaping and design increased during the pandemic, as well. With little option for a change of scenery, staycations became the norm. Homeowners craved a sanctuary. ???Median contracting invoice size increased 14% in Q2 2021 over Q1 2020.??? 
  • Flooring??? – Quarantine caused people to take a long, hard look at their interiors. Most noticed wear and tear that they’d either put off or hadn’t noticed due to their busy schedule. Increased construction combined with the growing popularity of DIY projects is keeping the flooring market strong. Industry projections indicate it will grow from $312.71 billion in 2020 to more than $480 billion in 2027.
  • Plumbing and HVAC??? – To accommodate more people at home all day and home additions, plumbing and HVAC services remained strong during the pandemic. In Texas alone, plumbing and HVAC revenue will reach approximately $22.3 billion by 2024.

Growth Predictions Indicates Digital Marketing Will Provide Advantages to Home Services Post COVID

As COVID wanes, many trends will persist. Homeowners now expect more from their homes. After being caught unaware in the spring of 2020, they want their homes to be a sanctuary from outside stressors. That means replacing outdated appliances, furnishings, window treatments, flooring, and more, as well as upgrading home entertainment features.

Homes have to answer to modern needs. The continued trend of remote working also necessitated creating home offices and investing in better technology. As expectations increase, home services will continue to ride the wave. A digital partner can help your business thrive by increasing your brand awareness and guiding your potential customers through the sales funnel.



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