How Combining Social Management & Content Amplifies Blog Effectiveness

October 19, 2022 - 6 minutes read


Cultivating a devoted customer base is part carefully crafted strategy, part art form. It is well worth the effort and vital for any home service company. Engaging with and increasing customer engagement is key to creating a lasting relationship with your customer base. 


You can’t always engage face-to-face with your local neighbors in today’s marketplace. They may never even set foot inside your storefront. However, they will at some point need your services, and you want them to remember you when the time comes. The way to accomplish that is with a combined social media and content strategy.??? 

Content and Social Strengthen Each Other??? 

Pairing content marketing and social media amplify each other’s effectiveness. That combination helps you engage your followers, attract new customers, and strengthen your existing customer relationships. Social media is a fantastic platform for sharing content while giving you valuable items to share. It improves the efficacy of your messages by delivering relevant and interesting content like how-to blogs to people who would not otherwise see them, inviting them to engage with your platform. 

Consider how often you’ve seen an ad that suggests you follow a business on social media, but you didn’t immediately know what value that could offer. Now think of how often you started noticing that the interesting, entertaining, or helpful posts you’ve been enjoying are from the same business. You discovered that you want to follow their social account to ensure you don’t miss any future posts.??? 

Content Generates Leads, While Social Brings Engagement??? 

The best pairings build upon each other to fill gaps and provide value. The same is true with content and social media. Part of what makes the two so successful is that they leverage each other to fulfill different goals.??? 

Content is ideal for lead generation and thought leadership. It can spark interest, draw in potential customers without being overtly sales-oriented, and keep them interested through useful or thought-provoking insights.???On the other hand, social media is the perfect medium for engagement. It’s the second part of the one-two punch, drawing the leads in by inviting them to ask questions, post opinions, or communicate directly with your business and each other. 

Let’s say you have a local landscaping and lawn service business, and you post a blog on how to take care of plants when the summer heat takes its toll. That’s a topic likely to attract a lot of interest, particularly for those in the warmer states. You can link to your social media accounts or post links to the blogs directly on your social to encourage the public to share their experiences, concerns, and questions or to subscribe for more topics or special offers. 

How To Combine Your Content and Social Strategies ??? 

Developing a combined strategy is simple when you overlap your release plans. Using content calendars for each, you can use cross-promotion and content sharing as part of your social plans. It also helps you keep a consistent tone and reinforces your brand identity.??? 

One way to leverage the combined strategy is by choosing topics you know will resonate with your social media followers, then coming up with catchy headlines???based on those topics. You can catch their attention and give a teaser of the content, letting your followers know that they can learn more by reading the larger blog on your site by following the link in your bio on Instagram or Twitter. Regardless of the headline’s catchy or timely topic, you should share all posts by inviting readers to subscribe.???Doing so can help increasing amounts of people who regard your content as a trusted resource. 

Help Your Blog Resonate Even More by Sharing on Social Media 

Before posting a blog, you probably wondered how that would help draw customers to your home service business. After all, don’t people hire your company, so they don’t have to worry about it? Well, the truth is that many people want to be informed, and they need a voice of authority and reason to give them some guidance. When they can’t take care of it themselves, guess who they’ll go to first? 

You can use your blogs to educate, inform, enlighten, or entertain. Regardless of your format, the one thing that stays front and center is your brand name. Whether posting a hilarious photo of a child covered in flour as a cautionary tale or serene images to maintain that feeling with your recommendations, combining strategies can attract new customers and elevate your reputation among your potential and existing clients.??? 



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