How Does Facebook Video Differ from Standard Video Marketing or OTT?

November 8, 2022 - 7 minutes read

Video is a well-established medium in the online world, particularly in social media. Whether you support or are against it, the latest changes to the Instagram algorithm to prioritize video over still shots show how prevalent and ingrained video is in our digital lives. The phenomenal success of TikTok shows that social media is a leading resource for video. Facebook is another leading platform that has headed the public’s preference and made it easier for companies to use video.??? 

There are advantages of using Facebook videos for business owners, like how they can be longer than on other platforms at a better price. It is also a great way to try out streaming videos without expending more of the marketing budget on OTT or CTV.???Keep reading for tips on leveraging the power of Facebook videos to promote your products or services.??? 

The Benefit of Facebook Video??? 

With the growing engagement of video, it’s become crucial to reach customers who want to use Facebook and other social media. The reasons are compelling: 

Facebook video ads are effective because they grab the viewer’s attention. Its algorithms prioritize the increased reach of the videos, making it ideal for retargeting or creating a custom audience. The vast Facebook audience means you have the potential for unprecedented brand awareness. The increased engagement helps you build your brand.??? 

Video Formats on Facebook??? 

Video has multiple forms on Facebook alone, and businesses must understand the intricacies to leverage it to its full potential. Some video formats include: 

  • Facebook Video Ads – These ads allow you to highlight your products or services using a video directly from your Facebook page or with the help of Ads Manager.??? 
  • Native video on Facebook Feed???- Facebook Feed and Facebook Marketplace videos can be much longer than other formats: up to 240 minutes. However, shorter videos have higher engagement rates.??? 
  • Facebook Stories – These videos are like a news feed and can be up to 120 seconds. 
  • Facebook Live – These are videos you can stream as you record them. They can go out directly to the user’s timeline or only to specific groups and be up to 8 hours long. 
  • Linking video on other platforms – If your business has multiple social media accounts like Instagram, you can link your videos to your Facebook account.??? 

One of the caveats of Facebook video, however, is that it has fewer???targeting capabilities than OTT. Videos on Facebook can also be skipped, unlike OTT. While they are still an effective medium, these factors limit what you can achieve. However, using it as an entry to video or as part of a combined strategy will open your options further. 

Test Out Video on Social Media??? 

Of course, video as a medium exists in a broader capacity than Facebook alone. You can transfer the content creation skills for creating Facebook videos and use them to create videos on OTT or CTV. Making Facebook and Instagram video ads helps teach you the???technical skills necessary for creating compelling and engaging content, such as filming and editing. It can also help you discover the type of content that resonates best with your customers. 

Knowing the videos you make are going out to your current and potential customers can be intimidating. An experienced digital partner can help you avoid the pitfalls and common mistakes of rookie videographers and content creators. They can help you create professional quality video that reflects favorably on your brand and highlights your products or services in the best possible light.?????? 

Video Is a Highly Effective Way to Reach Your Current and Potential Customers??? 

If you have any doubt about the efficacy of video over display ads, consider the impact of two HVAC company promotions: In one, you see pictures of the units with broken parts or dirty filters. In the other, you see a video of the technician explaining their process and showing you some common problems while telling you what could have prevented them. Which is more compelling???? 

Video lets you get to know the brand virtually through its presentation of the products, services, and employees. It creates a connection that is the next best thing to an in-person meeting that sets the stage for long-lasting customer relationships. While display ads still have an important place in any marketing strategy, videos are not only what customers request but are for the long haul. Facebook Video is an ideal way to increase engagement, grow your audience, extend your brand awareness, and drive conversion. 



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