How to Create a Recruitment Marketing Strategy for Your Business

July 12, 2022 - 6 minutes read

The #1 asset for any business organization is the people who work in it. And one of the best ways to attract those top performers is through an effective recruitment campaign. There is fierce competition over qualified candidates in today’s market, making the development and launch of a recruitment marketing campaign more imperative. If you want your company to stand out as the best, you should put forth all reasonable effort to hire the best.??? 

Determine Why Someone Would Want to Work for You 

 The first and most fundamental step in an effective recruitment marketing campaign is to determine which roles your company needs to fill and???why???candidates would want to work for your organization, particularly in those roles. What’s the appeal of the open position? What makes your business environment so attractive? There must be a clear reason why someone should work for your business. 

Once you’ve defined that primary reason, you can frame the thrust of your recruitment messaging around a central theme. For instance: “We’re not just workers, we’re family.” Or: “Work with us to advance your career.” An auto dealership may entice a salesperson with the promise of “a lucrative position that gives you the satisfaction of personally assisting customers.” Whatever the case may be for your business, lean into that core message in all of your recruitment materials. 

Use Your Website to Convey Your Culture 

Your website is the “face” of your company to any potential candidates in today’s world. You want to ensure that your website properly and adequately explains vital details about your company (e.g., its purpose, mission statement, and core values). You should also leverage your website to provide insights into your culture for potential employees.  

What are some ways that you can convey your culture through your website? Here are just a few elements to consider: 

  • Your website’s appearance and functionality in themselves contribute to your brand reputation. Is your site aesthetically pleasing? Easy to navigate? Does it load quickly? You can’t afford to come across as unprofessional with these design features. 
  • It’s often good to include employee testimonials and “behind-the-scenes” videos as part of your recruitment strategy. Hearing what other workers say about their experience can motivate undecided job seekers to apply. 
  • If your job listings are on your site, make sure that each job description gives a comprehensive account of the position’s day-to-day duties, responsibilities, and qualifications. 

Implement a Digital Recruiting Strategy 

Many of the same principles of B2C digital marketing also apply to digital recruiting. You want your strategy to focus on attracting candidates and moving them through the “recruitment funnel” until they decide to apply for work with your organization. Instead of advertising a product, you’re promoting your company.  

Modern job seekers spend a significant amount of time online, and they use the internet as a primary research source. Of course, online job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn are powerful assets to use in your recruitment campaign. However, don’t discount other avenues of recruitment marketing that will expand your reach beyond obvious platforms. You can target your core candidate demographic via display ads, Facebook ads, and OTT ads, to mention just a few options. The outcome will be more significant attention for your brand — and access to a broader, deeper talent pool. 

Let Digital Marketing Drive Recruitment 

You’ll need more than job boards if you want to gain the highest possible ROI from your recruitment efforts. You can leverage digital marketing to drive more traffic to your site and convey the value of your work culture.??? 

In terms of ad content, your message should primarily revolve around how your company culture is inviting and why people would enjoy working there. In terms of ad distribution, you’ll want to use all available means at your disposal to reach the right audience. For example, geofencing tactics, in particular, will ensure that you’re reaching a specific audience in terms of location. You can use geofencing capabilities to target job seekers who visit a local business, like a mechanic shop or people within a certain mile radius of a town or city. 

Create a Winning Recruitment Strategy via Digital Channels  

A robust recruitment strategy will help your business attract (and retain) top talent. In turn, your employees will contribute to the company’s sustainable growth.??? 

Granted, a winning recruitment campaign has many moving parts and requires a lot of management. It’s no wonder that many companies work with an experienced digital partner to develop and deploy their recruitment initiatives. Whether you work with a reputable agency or not, one thing is sure: providing a seamless candidate experience is crucial for leaving a positive impression and attracting talent. 


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