How To Manage Your Leads Once You Get Them

March 7, 2024 - 6 minutes read

Businesses thrive on the relationships that they build. If a company wants to see sustained growth and success, understanding how to manage leads effectively is critical. By carefully cultivating leads, you can make sales and turn customers into loyal advocates for your brand.

Modern consumers are savvy. They don???t just run to the store and make a purchase, they spend time comparison shopping and researching the products that are right for them. Not only that, consumers demand a personalized experience with brands as they travel through the consumer journey. This shift in consumer behavior means businesses must consider a holistic approach to managing leads.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to lead management, we have some tactics that can ensure you maximize their value after acquisition.


As customers find you through your programmatic branding and SEM strategies and head to your website, it???s important that you lead them to rock-solid landing pages. Think of your landing pages as a virtual storefront ??? a spot on your website where visitors decide whether to window shop or open the door and engage with you further.

However, creating an effective landing page is about more than just pretty visuals. To relate to your audience, you should build an experience that resonates and compels them to act. Here are a few ways to build effective landing pages:

  • Encourage engagement on your landing pages with interactive elements like quizzes, surveys, and polls.
  • Build trust with your audience by incorporating customer testimonials and reviews.
  • Provide clear and intuitive navigation throughout your website to prompt users to stay on your site, navigate to where they need to go, and not exit in frustration.

A successful landing page communicates what sets your product or service apart and its benefits. When you effectively address the consumer???s pain points and showcase your benefits, you create a compelling narrative that entices them to explore further. And don???t forget to include appealing, action-oriented CTAs!


If you???re not already collecting first-party data after the death of the cookie, you should be! Form-fills on your website are one of the best ways to collect valuable data about customers using your products and services. Your forms are a gateway that helps you create personalized experiences and build a deeper connection with your audience.

Don???t just place form fills all over every page of your website, though. Think strategically about how the experience of your visitors can seamlessly integrate with forms. Take note of the areas of your website that receive high traffic. Embedding forms in these areas increases the likelihood of capturing your visitors at different touch points in their consumer journey, giving you greater insight into their actions.

Collecting first-party data is important, but your forms shouldn???t be long and complicated ??? that???s likely to deter your visitors from participating. User experience should be the number one priority when developing your forms. Limit the number of fields to only the essentials, and make it as easy for your customers to provide their information. Align the questions on your forms with your marketing objectives to ensure you???re tailoring the information you collect to your audience ??? that will ultimately help you better understand your leads.


Running an email drip campaign is like carefully tending to a garden. Each email you send, like water for your plants, provides nourishment, ensuring that your seeds grow steadily into fruitful engagements with your leads. Drip campaigns are pivotal in building relationships and guiding your leads through the customer journey.

It requires meticulous planning and thoughtful content creation for a drip campaign to be successful. As you???re building drip campaigns, consider these tips:

  • Divide your leads into segments based on demographics, behavior, or website interactions to personalize the campaign.
  • Determine the best interval between emails by taking into consideration your audience???s preferences and your products and services.
  • Don???t overwhelm your audience with too many emails too quickly ??? you want to stay top-of-mind without becoming an annoyance.
  • Experiment with different subject lines, content, and calls to action to discover what your audience best relates to.

If you need more insight on the best ways to manage the leads you???re getting (or if you need help finding more leads) contact our team at Federated Digital Solutions! We???ll come up with a custom plan for your business that meets your unique situation and goals.



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