How To Optimize Your Marketing Strategy for AI-Powered Search

April 15, 2024 - 4 minutes read

Artificial intelligence technology for consumers is developing at breakneck speed. It feels as though every day there???s some new app or use for AI springing up for the average person and businesses alike to take advantage of.

For marketers, the evolution of AI creates an opportunity to more effectively attract  and engage with audiences. One of the major ways we can take advantage of the power of AI is to leverage its uses through online search ??? probably the most ubiquitous way consumers are using AI.

Let???s take a look at some of the ways businesses can optimize their marketing strategies for AI-powered search.


It shouldn???t come as a surprise that Google, Bing, and other search engines are constantly crawling the Internet to provide accurate and up-to-date information to users. But you may not realize that those search engines aren???t just checking out your website, they???re scraping the entire Internet, even places you???ve never heard of.

Ensuring that your business information, including phone number, address, and hours of operation, are correct across directories on the Internet can take hours. But you can use AI to help! Our FDS Local platform helps you manage your listings everywhere that consumers are searching.


Ensuring that your business’s listings are updated online is critical for AI-powered search engines to provide accurate results. When your listings are outdated or inaccurate, it can negatively affect the rankings provided by search engines and, ultimately, make it more difficult for customers to find your business.

When customers are searching online, they expect to find accurate and reliable information. There???s nothing more frustrating for consumers than finding inconsistent information like telephone numbers, addresses, or hours of operation.

You certainly don???t need to update your listing weekly or even monthly. Aim to refresh and check in on your listings every two to three months. Setting a calendar reminder will help!


Artificial intelligence and AI-powered search engines can now handle complex tasks for users. For instance, when a user searches for “tips to improve home energy efficiency,” search engines can scan your website, including text, images, and code, to find relevant information.

Because AI is more savvy than ever, it can use a semantic understanding to interpret the meaning behind a user???s search queries and content on a page. Blogs with comprehensive, informative content help AI algorithms understand the topic and improve the chances of the page appearing in results.

Regularly publishing blogs with relevant keywords and ensuring metadata is included on images and pages signals to AI that a website is active and provides fresh content to its audience. That can increase the likelihood of your page being viewed by the algorithm as a valuable result for users’ searches.

Still need help optimizing your marketing strategy for AI-powered search? Our team of expert marketing professionals at Federated Digital Solutions can help you navigate these new digital waters. Contact us today to find out how we can partner with you to build a digital marketing strategy for the age of AI!

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