Why Facebook Advertising Is Valuable For Businesses

March 21, 2024 - 4 minutes read

Facebook is a behemoth among social media platforms. With more than 3 billion of active users worldwide, it represents a treasure trove for businesses seeking to broaden their reach with audiences of different backgrounds, demographics, and preferences.

Like other platforms, Facebook and Instagram (owned by parent company Meta) let companies target specific audiences with specific messages using display or video ads. But, unlike other websites, these platforms are restrictive and require businesses to buy advertising directly on the Meta ads platform instead of through a third party.

Let???s look at why advertising on Facebook matters and the power of Facebook audiences.


Facebook is an important tool for businesses. In 2023, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform ??? 93% of businesses are active on the platform, and 86% are taking advantage of its advertising capabilities.

Data is vital when it comes to digital marketing, and Facebook is a goldmine. Businesses can track engagement metrics, conversion rates, impressions, and more, enabling them to refine their strategies in real-time. Facebook is also a great place to do A/B testing on ads, allowing savvy businesses to experiment with different creatives, headlines, and calls to action to identify the most effective strategies.

While not as robust as it once was, Facebook offers an array of targeting options, which lets companies target audiences who are most likely to interact with their content.

In 2023, Facebook shifted away from allowing a more granular approach to its ads. Marketers had significantly more control in choosing audiences based on specific interests and other key demographics. Instead, Facebook has taken its targeting options in-house and uses its algorithm to deliver ads to audiences it feels best match the ad’s intended objective. Businesses can still add targeting criteria, but Facebook will automatically use its own algorithm as well.

Because Facebook removed some of these targeting capabilities, Facebook advertising is best when used to enhance existing display or video campaigns through other platforms. Layering Facebook campaigns into your digital marketing strategy ensures you???re covering the majority of where your customers are spending their time.


With an abundance of users, Facebook is an enticing place to advertise. On average, users on the social media platform click on 12 ads every month, which is huge! The expansive reach of Facebook means that businesses have the potential to connect with audiences that span all age groups, locations, and backgrounds.

Unfortunately, Facebook???s audience lives in a ???walled garden,??? which is to say that they exist solely in the Facebook ecosystem. This exclusivity means that Facebook (and Instagram) audiences can only be targeted through Facebook campaigns on the platform.

Because audiences on Facebook are exclusive to the platform, it???s important to build and foster connections on Facebook ??? those connections can???t be replicated or targeted elsewhere. Unlike other forms of advertising, marketing on Facebook is not simply about reaching people, it???s about reaching the right people in a space where they???re actively engaging and interacting. The symbiotic relationship between Facebook, businesses, and consumers is only going to grow in the future. If you???re ready to start layering Facebook targeting into your digital marketing strategy, Federated Digital Solutions can help! Our team is ready to expand your social media horizons and get your brand in front of your target Facebook audience. Contact us today to learn more!



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