Why Social Media Is Great For Blog Distribution

April 19, 2022 - 6 minutes read

A blog is a powerful marketing tool for any business. It can attract traffic to your website, add value to your customers, and enhance your brand’s reputation. However, a blog can only accomplish those objectives if customers see it. So, how can you maximize the visibility of your blog across your consumer base?

One of the best ways to do so is to utilize the power of social media as a distribution channel. Let’s talk about why you should share your blog on social media and practical ways to do so successfully. 

Introduce New Readers to Your Blog 

With millions of active users worldwide, major social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are perfect avenues for introducing new readers to your blog. Posting articles to your social media account (in part or whole) can allow users to engage with your messaging, leave comments, and share your posts with their personal networks. 

From a content marketing point of view, incorporating your blog into your social media marketing strategy can also serve as a useful “hack” if you’re unsure of what to post in upcoming weeks. You can either share content from your blog verbatim or adapt the same basic messaging for a social media format. 

In addition, leveraging social media for blog distribution uses a lower-cost medium than other marketing channels, which will help keep your budget in check. 

Tips to Share Your Blogs 

What are some best practices for sharing your blogs across social media platforms? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Adjust your message to reach specific groups.???The benefits of personalized marketing are well-documented. It’s essential to divide your overall consumer base into particular audience segments and adapt your content to each segment’s interests and concerns. Think of which articles will resonate with one of your segments in terms of blog distribution, and then plan to share those posts accordingly. 
  • Pin posts to your account.???If you want to highlight specific blog posts on your social media accounts, consider “pinning” them to your profile. For instance, a pinned post will stay at the top of your page until it’s un-pinned. It is a simple yet effective way to promote specific blog posts on your accounts. 
  • Encourage followers to share your posts.???Sharing posts on social networks is a surefire way to increase their visibility – and brand awareness in general. Be sure to add a line or two at the beginning or end of each post, encouraging followers to share it with their friends and contacts. A little reminder may be all your users need to disseminate a post throughout the platform. 
  • Use hashtags to get found more often.???Hashtags are handy labels that categorize posts and make them easier to find on social media. While you don’t want to overdo it, make sure to include at least one or two hashtags with each post you share on a platform. As users browse through their feeds, they may very well come across your post because of those hashtags associated with it. Hashtags work best with platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but Facebook benefits from minimal use.

Make Your Marketing Stronger Together

Both blogs and social media accounts have their strengths in terms of marketing. They each have their weaknesses as well. Nevertheless, with a unified strategy in place, you can leverage both mediums to their fullest potential and simultaneously use them to offset the flaws of the other.???

For example, valuable blog posts take time and effort to create. In contrast, social media accounts can quickly devolve into a series of frivolous posts that don’t add value to the customer’s journey. However, when you integrate these two tools into an overall marketing plan, your blog posts will become more visible to the general public (due to exposure on social media platforms). In contrast, your social media accounts will become more substantial (due to publishing your value-adding blog posts).

You’ll have to fine-tune your posting cadence to achieve optimal results. For instance, your posting frequency for Facebook will likely be much different from your frequency for Instagram.

Use the “Dynamic Duo” of Social Media and Blog Posting to Grow Your Business

Social media is an excellent avenue for increasing the visibility and reach of your blog. In turn, posting articles from your blog (in whole or part) to your social media accounts can make them more substantial and valuable for consumers. Each marketing tool amplifies the strengths of the other while covering up its weaknesses.

If you coordinate your social media marketing strategy with your blog’s content delivery schedule and do so consistently, then you’ll no doubt see a significant ROI from your efforts. Whether you do so on your own, or with the help of an experienced media partner, at the end of the day, your business will experience growth, and you’ll reap the benefits of a targeted marketing approach. 




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