Why Your Recruitment Ads Need to Cut Through the Noise & How to Do It

December 15, 2022 - 6 minutes read

The most valuable resource any company has is its people. Of course, an effective recruitment marketing strategy is the best way to get the???best???people onboard with your organization. 

Recruitment ads, in particular, are a crucial means of getting noticed by job candidates. At the same time, adequately developed ads can even reinforce morale among current employees ??? especially if your team has been short-staffed for a while.??? 

Let’s discuss why recruitment ads are so important and how you can craft your ads to “cut through the noise” of the competition. 

Why You Need Recruitment Ads 

Posting on job boards is an important aspect of any successful recruitment strategy. However, relying on job boards alone won’t achieve your desired results. Radio and digital recruitment ads will help you reach interested candidates when your ads may pique their interest and in contexts where they’ll be more engaged with your messaging. 

In addition, recruitment ads will help you reach candidates who may be exceptionally qualified for your open position but are not actively looking for a new job. For example, one of the critical principles of effective recruitment is to target those already employed ??? and investing in recruitment ads will help your company be top of mind for such employees when they???do???begin looking for new opportunities. 

How Your Recruitment Ads Can Cut Through the Noise 

Just as consumer marketers must align their messaging with their core audience, recruitment marketing involves matching your message with your target candidates (i.e., those you think would be a good fit for the job). It’s a good idea to create a “candidate persona” that lines up with what an ideal candidate would look like and then use that persona as a guideline for adjusting your messaging. 

You can also use your current employees to “endorse” the benefits of working for your company. Their heartfelt testimonials can have a powerful impact on job seekers, especially if culture is a primary motivator for candidates looking for new employment. 

Moreover, you can do a few technical things to help your ads stand out. For instance, make it easy for candidates to apply for open positions by incorporating an easy call to action in your radio ad (such as texting your company name to a short code to receive a link to apply online). The easier you make it for potential candidates to fill out an application, the more interest your postings will receive. 

Tips for Recruitment Ads 

Here are a few specific tips that can help you to craft highly effective recruitment ads for your company: 

Reach Customers on Platforms They Use 

Think about which platforms your ideal candidates are most likely to use during their job search ??? or, for that matter, during their daily routine. Focus your efforts on engaging with candidates on those platforms where you’re most likely to see the best results. Use a multi-channel approach. For example, use radio ads to showcase your corporate culture and drive traffic to your site. 

Keep in Touch Using Email and Text Message Alerts 

Just as consumer leads have to be nurtured and gradually “nudged” down the sales funnel, it’s essential to keep in touch with interested candidates throughout the application process. Have such candidates opt-in to receive email and text alerts for updates on their application or to follow position openings at your organization. 

Engage with Candidates on Social Media 

Use your social media accounts to showcase your culture, giving candidates a “behind-the-scenes” look at what it would be like to work with your company. Spotlight your employees, and encourage high performers to share their positive experiences with your organization. 

Have a Presence Locally and in Your Industry 

Establish (or enhance) your company’s reputation for involvement in the community. Give your company a human face by sending representatives to hiring events/job fairs. Highlight your business’ commitment to noble causes as an expression of your core values. Such “values-driven marketing” will help attract candidates who identify with and want to be part of your corporate culture. 

Leverage Effective Recruitment Ads to Attract and Retain Talent 

Well-designed recruitment ads can be a powerful complement to traditional job board postings. They allow you to reach the right candidates, at the right time, with the right messaging to pique their interest. By reaching out to candidates via the platforms they frequent, engaging with them on social media, and building your presence in your industry and local community, you’ll gain as much positive attention as possible from your target audience. 

When you develop your recruitment ads in a way that truly “cuts through the noise” of a crowded job market, you can expect a significant ROI from your efforts ??? and you’ll ultimately bring the best candidates on board as valuable assets for your company. 



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