How Blogs Make Your Business an Industry Authority and Trusted Resource

July 28, 2022 - 7 minutes read

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is an essential and often misunderstood aspect of marketing. Many businesses have discovered the power of blogs to increase search engine ranking. They can help their brands get more exposure to potential customers. Blogs are excellent for drawing more people in, but they can also establish your brand as an authority in an industry when written with real people in mind first.??? 

How Blogs Establish Thought Leadership 

Your brand will appear to be far more helpful and trustworthy than competitors who fail to do so by writing about your industry and educating potential customers on various topics. Visiting a company blog is often the first step in a customer’s buyer journey. They can allow you to guide them through the process gradually, hopefully converting them into loyal customers.??? 

Blogs can give you a space to discuss current trends in the industry, learn pain points within their business model, and more, which can establish your brand as a guiding voice and authoritative leader. Plus, you can use your blog content in social media posts and email newsletters to help it reach even more people! 

Blog Tips to Build Industry Authority 

When attempting to use a blog to build your brand’s authority in the industry, there are a few best practices that can drastically elevate your results in a short amount of time, including:  

Writing in the Proper Tone 

It’s essential when creating a blog to nail down the tone that will match your audience best. If your target audience is those in service-heavy industries, your blogs will probably include plenty of terms accessible to professionals but less accessible to everyday people. If your target audience is broader, like parents or people in their 20s, your blogs will do better if they contain many images, real-life examples, and other similar elements.??? 

If you aren’t sure which tone to go for, it can help to visit a competitor’s website to see how they conduct their blog. That can give you insight into the types of effective language with your target audience, and you can then put your spin on it.??? 

Discussing Your Brand’s Values 

Consumers today care more about purchasing from companies that share their values, whether that is treating employees well, providing quality goods at a fair price, a commitment to sustainable practices, or any number of other values. Occasionally discussing your values and examples of your brand following through can go a long way.???You want to discuss your industry and expertise overwhelmingly but showing the values and people behind your brand will help you stand out and resonate with customers. 

If your company doesn’t currently have a set of firm values or a mission statement, take some time to generate one that is honest and tells customers why they should choose your business over the competitors. Even if you don’t discuss these in your blog content, they help orient your content and strategy and can provide a framework for what topics you choose and how to approach them. 

Creating Quality Content with Intriguing Headlines 

It’s not enough to simply release high volumes of blog posts to get the results you want. Quality content is content that provides actual value for a customer by answering a question they have, solving one of their problems, or teaching them something new that relates to the goods or services you provide.  

On that same note, headlines are almost always the first impression of any content you produce. For this reason, your headlines must be intriguing enough to convince people to click on your blog post. Headlines must allude to valuable content inside. Otherwise, a potential reader has little reason to investigate your content further.??? 

Using a Content Calendar to Stay Consistent 

As mentioned above, quality is better than quantity, but consistency is also crucial. Trying to provide consistent and quality content on the fly may work for some brands, but most greatly benefit from generating and maintaining a content calendar to plan posts and topics. Content calendars can keep you and your team on the same page and ensure that you’re covering various topics that may draw different types of people to your website.??? 

Including a Call-to-Action in Each Post 

Blog posts are usually most successful when they provide something of value for the visitor without strings attached, making a brand seem like an authority while being genuinely helpful. However, you should include a call to action in each post. The best calls-to-action are friendly and non-intrusive, usually placed at the end of posts or as a pop-up after people scroll midway down the page. They encourage customers to follow up and show them how to follow up if they feel you’re a brand to reach out to when they need help from your industry.??? 

Calls-to-action are usually best when they are short and subtle, and they can include things like “learn more” or “contact us.”??? 

Get Help from a Digital Media Partner Today! 

Business owners usually have enough on their plate, and they don’t have the time or resources to learn how to generate and implement quality content that drives tangible results. Fortunately, enlisting the help of an experienced digital media partner can save you time and money while elevating your business to the next level.??? 


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